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Chris Gazaleh

Chris Gazaleh is a Palestinian American visual artist, musician, writer, educator and community organizer from San Francisco. His work tells a story, a Palestinian American story based on the principles of social justice. With his visual messaging, he works to educate, communicate and spread compassion amongst the public. Using elements of his culture such as the Arabic language, landscapes of Palestine, and his characters with semitic features, he works to combat negative stereotypes of his people’s image. At the same time giving people a glimpse of his people’s history, culture and struggle for freedom. He creates murals, drawings, designs and canvas work to express his message. Using mediums such as ink, paint, spray paint, and digital illustration to create his work. Chris was always drawing as a kid, writing stories, and then came graffiti and painting on canvas. Coming from a broken home as a youth, Hip Hop was a means of expression that helped him find his identity. His love for Hip Hop also has a lot to do with his connection to fighting for freedom and equity. He has painted many murals throughout San Francisco, Downtown Oakland and multiple locations throughout Palestine.